重新開始每一天 A new start

這個網頁其實買了一年,一直也沒有好好運用。今年庚子年是動盪的一年,世事動盪。我的生活也多變化了,幸好發生在我身上的,還是好的多過壞。機緣巧合地遇到了 機緣巧合地遇到了 Young Living,Teresa,Evona,Vivian等,我的世界多了很多東西,開始學習寫作和運用Social Media。所以重拾寫作的樂趣了。

This web has been here since more than a year, however it is difficult for me to start, may be I am not good in writing ? Or procrastination ? In this Year of Ray , many things Are evolving , luckily , for most of the changes that happened on me are on the good side. It’s amazing to get to involve in Young Living, knowing Teresa, Evona, Vivian... and many others . I start to learn using social media and is writing again. Hope you enjoy reading through . 

Toni Au