Live a magical life

"Live a Magical ilfe “

It is easier said than done. We are all hoping for magic, but have you ever thought about what it is about?

  1. it means outcome is a surprise.

  2. to come as a surprise, it would looks as if everything was going nuts, and you are even giving up on the idea or letting go

so it means to have faith in the core idea and the letting go of the outcome. Believing it is going to be ok, and the core value is there, even though the outside world doesnt seems to.

It’s a test of faith and mental power.

It tooked me a while looking back to the days I started to have strong LOA power, why is it possible to maintain faith?

For one to live in faith, you need to be in a good mood, good vibe, and high energy. No matter why you feel good, just feeling good no matter what, and your mindset would shift.

The perspective would be different, the choice would be different, the reaction would be different, the emotion registered with the even would be different, so the outcome would be different .